(Blog for wedding guests)



You are a big part of the wedding. Without the presence of all of you, whether you are 20 or 200, the wedding would not be the same.

I have written a short but important blog about what I consider to be the most important tips that will help you all and the couple to have an amazing experience during the preparation and on the wedding day.


Always RSVP

You have received a wedding invitation, this is because the soon-to-be-married couple would really love to share this important day with you. Don't quickly skim through the invitation and put it aside to read it in more detail later. Pay close attention to the RSVP deadline and respond as soon as possible to let the couple know if you will be attending the wedding. They will be very grateful as it will save they a lot of unnecessary headaches. 🖤

Blonde Russian couple engagement

Dress code

Dress according to the venue and pay attention if the invitation or wedding website mentions a specific dress code.

Consider the location and the weather when choosing your attire.

It is the day for the bride to shine in white, so as a general rule unless the dress code states otherwise avoid wearing white, ivory or "bridal" shades. You can only wear white if the dress code of the wedding specifies it or if it is an Ibiza wedding that takes place on the beach.

Remember that the dress code may be different depending on the culture, season, and style of the wedding. It is always useful to ask the couple if you are in doubt about what to wear.


Arrive on time

Weddings are usually on a tight schedule, so try to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start time to make sure you don't miss any important moments.

couple kissing and piano


If you are a family member or friend and have been asked to accompany the bride or groom during their preparation, I would love to recommend that you be completely ready when I arrive at the scene, so that you don't feel worried about being in casual clothes in the photos.

I always try to tell the story from the beginning to the end in the most elegant, beautiful, and above all honest way possible. You are also part of this story and I want to capture it in the best way possible.

Plan your hair and make-up schedule/transfers with plenty of time and be prepared to enjoy the day. This way you won't have to worry about not being fully dressed in the pictures.

Groom getting ready


A wedding day is a moment full of love and joy. Focus on this with sincerity. The empathy and love you convey is reflected in the atmosphere.

I am not a wedding planner but as a wedding photographer, I want everything to be perfect and for both the bride and groom and each guest to enjoy the wedding experience to the fullest. Often during the months leading up to the wedding, I help each couple with some planning details and tips that I send in a "wedding guide" and by talking with them, to make their story truly unique.

Please try not to create stress at times when things are expected to go differently. Yes, it is possible that the wedding planner or the venue manager will come and tell us that in 10-15 minutes we have to be at the ceremony (they are doing their job) or that no one has brought the champagne you were going to toast with during the bridal preparations or anything else. Spoiler; all this sometimes happens. It's normal, so as a family member or friend stay calm and enjoy the moment.

Lastly, forget what you have experienced before as a guest, forget the clichés. I have experienced countless weddings and I can assure you, that the most important thing is sincere love. The hugs, the smiles, the laughter, and the tears of joy.



If I had to give you only one piece of advice in this regard, it would be to keep your speech short. You can say amazing things in a short way. Make a sincere speech that comes from your heart and be authentic. It doesn't have to be perfect and don't ask chat GPT to write your speech, for God's sake. Can you imagine two almost identical speeches one after the other? LOL, you'll be surprised but I've heard hundreds of times stories about the little prince. Oh! I can't take it anymore! so forget about that blond boy and write from the heart. Forget Google, be yourself, be elegant and very loving.


Keep the phone on silent

During the ceremony and reception, be sure to keep your phone on silent or vibrate mode. Avoid distracting other guests and especially the couple on their special day.

Wedding details pictures. Perfume suit


When the ceremony is over, people get up and wait for the bride and groom to pass by and continue with different traditions.

If you are the person who has the honour of officiating the wedding, don't forget to tell the guests to take a small bag of rice or flowers and wait for the newly married couple to pass down the aisle to throw the rice, flowers, etc. before going to the reception area.

If you are a guest, get up from your chair and wait down the aisle, or go to the end of the ceremony, stand to the side, and wait for the bride and groom to pass and throw the rice.

If it is a religious ceremony, the priest will not indicate anything, so leave the church and be ready with the rice. After this, you can embrace the bride and groom in the proper way.

This is a general rule. I point it out because most ceremonies are officiated by friends of the bride and groom, which is great but lack of experience makes them forget this important moment and in more than one ceremony people have gone straight to the aperitif area without having thrown the flowers that were prepared for it.

pictures couple shooting


Please feel free to ask me for any group photos during the reception, not only I am happy to take them, but the couple will love having that memory.

During these photos, it is possible that someone may also want to take a picture with their cell phone and that's great, but two or more cameras at the same time will not work, as each person in the group is usually looking at a different camera. Don't worry! if you want to take a picture, please do! I will make sure to give you the space you need to take your picture and then I will take mine, so everyone in the group can be on one camera and everyone will be perfect in the picture.



Enjoy every part of the wedding, enjoy the company of the other guests, the joy of the couple, the emotions, the food and have fun on the dance floor!

wedding party orange blue light

Adrian VilanovaComment